The 2015 Computex Asus international press event began with Chairman Jonney Shih introducing Asus' new design philosophy: “Zensation,” with a new emphasis on “harmony and simplicity.” Among the new product highlights is the new ZenPad 8 and ZenPad S 8, the world's first 8 inch tablet with 4GB memory. The ZenFone 2 is powered by the new Qualcomm Snapdragon CPU and will come in 5.5 and 6 inch sizes. The Asus event also covered the new ZenFone Selfie, with front and rear 13MP cameras for the selfie enthusiast. Outside the Asus event, I was surprised by the mechanized Asus “transformer case”
Asus在Computex推出全新 ZenPad,ZenFone Selfie與 Zen AiO 等多種全新電競系列。 2015 Computex 華碩展前國際記者會,由董事長施崇棠以 Zensation 主題開始。全新平板 ZenPad 8 和 ZenPad S 8,是世界第一台配備4GB記憶體的8寸平板開始華碩全新路程。ROG 變形金剛電腦也完全吸引了我的目光。
在這次ZenFone 智慧型手機有Zenfone 2 5.5 和 6 寸加上全新高通CPU,以及華碩自家推出自拍神器 ZenFone Selfie 專注瞄準愛自拍的用戶。
Video: https://youtu.be/rxnI_P8mYAQ
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